Natural Treatments for Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious metabolic disease that comes in two forms. Type 1 diabetes is acquired at birth leaving the person unable to produce the body’s needed levels of insulin, which is needed to regulate blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is acquired during life due to poor eating habits and nutrition and requires the same regulation. In either case, those with diabetes have to closely monitor their blood sugar and often receive daily insulin injections as a means of keeping it at a safe level.
While there’s certainly no absolute cure for diabetes, there are natural treatment options available. These treatment options, along with regular insulin injections and a diet with balanced nutrition, can help a person with diabetes live as normal of a life as possible.
Natural Treatment 1: Vanadium
Vanadium is a trace mineral that’s been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels. Specifically, the mineral can be made into a supplement that, in many ways, mimics insulin to reduce blood sugar levels.
In one study, individuals with type 2 diabetes were given 50mg of vanadium twice a day for four weeks. The vanadium supplements were then replaced (unbeknownst to the participants) with two daily placebo pills for the next four weeks. At the end of the study, researchers found that participants experienced a 20% average reduction in fasting blood sugar levels, even after the placebo pills had begun to be administered.
Today, the recommended dose of vanadium is 100mg; it’s believed that this dosage can help the body keep blood sugar levels lower without the need to produce additional insulin. The most effective way to take vanadium is in pill form; generally, two 50mg pills per day (one in the morning and one at night) is the best way to go.
Natural Treatment 2: Chromium
Another possible natural option for aiding in the treatment of diabetes is trace mineral known as chromium. Specifically, this trace mineral is known to help cut back on sugar cravings, which is sometimes necessary for those living with diabetes. In fact, it’s a deficiency in both chromium and vanadium that’s believed to trigger sugar cravings in the first place.
In addition to curbing sugar cravings for those with and without diabetes, chromium is also known to make insulin work more effectively in the body. So while chromium doesn’t stimulate insulin production by any means, the fact remains that insulin relies on adequate levels of chromium to have the greatest overall effect on the body.
In a study of 16 individual assessments on chromium use for diabetes treatment, 13 of these treatments were shown to improve regulation of blood sugar in the body when a daily chromium supplement was taken. Furthermore, it’s been found that the best way to add chromium into a person’s diet is to take it in a water-soluble form, which allows it to be absorbed and used by the body quickly.
Are These Treatment Options Safe?
A reasonable question for any person living with diabetes to ask upon reading this is “are those treatments really safe for the human body?” The short answer is yes. So long as the chromium and vanadium supplements are taken in the recommended dosage, there is no cause for concern. Specifically, the recommended daily dosage of vanadium is 100mg daily. The most common reported side effect among those taking a vanadium supplement is some minor gastrointestinal discomfort. Fortunately, this side effect tends to resolve itself within a few days once the body adjusts to the new supplement.
Furthermore, would be nearly impossible for a human to take a lethal dose of chromium in one day, as the toxic dosage is more than 10,000 times the highest recommended medicinal dose. This is great news for those who are skeptical about trying new medicines and supplements to treat their diabetes.
Still, there are some basic precautions that should be taken before adding chromium and/or vanadium supplements to one’s diet–as would be the case with any new supplement. For starters, it’s a good idea for those with diabetes to first meet with their physicians. This will give them the opportunity to discuss the possibility of adding these supplements into their diets. A physician will also be able to recommend the proper dosage of each based on the patient’s history.
Furthermore, those already taking other medications should speak with a physician or doctor to ensure that there won’t be any bad drug interactions. This is quite uncommon, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
For those seeking natural treatment options for their diabetes, vanadium and chromium are certainly supplements that are worth looking into. Not only are they completely natural trace minerals that offer assistance in blood sugar regulation, but when taken together, they can also help to cut back on sugar cravings and improve the effectiveness of insulin.
- Franklin VanOs